Team Evaluation-----------------
In general, we have done a good job as a team. The contents that we delivered in PowerPoint were relevant and organized in a systematic manner. Visible efforts were put into enhancing the collaboration across the team, as reflected in the smooth transition between two speakers
as well as the complements we made for each other during Q&A session. However, one aspect the team could work on is the conciseness of the contents. Due to the overwhelming amount of content to be covered, there was a lack of clear focus during the presentation and the audience missed out certain important information(such as how we came out with the 2 modules we have selected). Also the presentation became more and more dull and monotonous along the way, as such more attention grabbers could be included in the presentation.
Individual Evaluation-----------------------------------------------------------In general I feel that I have improved since the OP1. In verbal aspect, I was able to speak more fluently and articulately due to better preparation of the content. However, as I was still very used to my way of talking fast and also due to the fact that the content that I covered was relatively substantial, I still spoke faster than I should and ate words at times. Another area I needed to work on is to avoid using colloquial terms like 'this kind of'.
In non-verbal aspect, I also have improved from next time as I did not refer to the screen/cue cards as much this time. Moreover, I displayed enthusiasm and confidence throughout the presentation and made quite a few noticeable gestures. However, I did not establish as much eye contact as I did last time as I was trying to rush through the content and keep my presentation within the time limit. Lastly, I made too many unnecessary little movements (i.e. looking at Geck Keat for no valid reason, still fidgeting a lot, giggled randomly) which should be avoided.(326 Words)