Team Evaluation-----------------
In general, we have done a good job as a team. The contents that we delivered in PowerPoint were relevant and organized in a systematic manner. Visible efforts were put into enhancing the collaboration across the team, as reflected in the smooth transition between two speakers
as well as the complements we made for each other during Q&A session. However, one aspect the team could work on is the conciseness of the contents. Due to the overwhelming amount of content to be covered, there was a lack of clear focus during the presentation and the audience missed out certain important information(such as how we came out with the 2 modules we have selected). Also the presentation became more and more dull and monotonous along the way, as such more attention grabbers could be included in the presentation.
Individual Evaluation-----------------------------------------------------------In general I feel that I have improved since the OP1. In verbal aspect, I was able to speak more fluently and articulately due to better preparation of the content. However, as I was still very used to my way of talking fast and also due to the fact that the content that I covered was relatively substantial, I still spoke faster than I should and ate words at times. Another area I needed to work on is to avoid using colloquial terms like 'this kind of'.
In non-verbal aspect, I also have improved from next time as I did not refer to the screen/cue cards as much this time. Moreover, I displayed enthusiasm and confidence throughout the presentation and made quite a few noticeable gestures. However, I did not establish as much eye contact as I did last time as I was trying to rush through the content and keep my presentation within the time limit. Lastly, I made too many unnecessary little movements (i.e. looking at Geck Keat for no valid reason, still fidgeting a lot, giggled randomly) which should be avoided.(326 Words)
8 comments on "Post 5: Evaluation on Oral Presentation 2"
Hey Tan Chen
I also feel that we put in a lot of effort as a team in coming out with all the content and the detailed analysis of our solutions. This is a great effort from everyone. However, our team still has room for improvement. The content that we presented on could be more concise and more simplified. This will allow the team to have better time management during our presentation and Preeti and you would not have to rush through.
For this presentation, you spoke more fluently than Oral Presentation 1. This could be due to the content being less technical than OP1. I can also see that you made appropriate pauses to slow down your pace. Another improvement that you have made is that you did not make a lot of “inappropriate” hand gestures.
However, you seem to be shifting your positions and keep fidgeting. This may be due to your nervousness. You should try to stand firm on your ground and be more confident. Your pronunciation could be improved too! To sound more enthusiastic and to better engage your audience, try to vary your tone.
For the presentation, you could have reduced certain content to say so that you would not feel overwhelmed with stuff to say and you would not rush through your speech.
Overall, great job!
Hi Tan Chen
I think you gave a rather well balanced write up on both your personal as well as your team's performance, as well as the good and bad points of them. I agree with many of the points you mentioned.
I think you were trying to cover more points about what you thought of the presentation, rather than going in depth into each point. This gives a good overview of the entire presentation, but I feel that perhaps you could have elaborated more on some points, for example, by discussing what you can do to improve on it in the future, or relating it to communication principles. I'm aware that there is a word limit to adhere to, so maybe you can talk about less points, with more detail, than many points? Not that it's a big problem though, just a suggestion :)
Hi Tan Chen,
I agree that your group has done a good job overall in presenting well to the audience. the content was indeed well organized and put forth through clear and comprehensive slides. The duration of your group’s presentation could have been shorter and more succinct, which would have also helped to keep the attention of the audience more. More attention could have been paid to the two modules selected, as that is the main outcome of your project, and more could have been done to convince the target audience about the effectiveness of the proposed modules.
Your individual oral presentation has improved, as you spoke at a slower and steadier pace, and tried to be more formal with your verbal language and body language. Your confidence and interest in the topic was evident. Speaking steadily throughout the presentation is one point you can improve on.
Overall, your group presentation was well-done!
Hi Tan Chen,
Your team surely put much effort and did a good job. I think your team chose a good topic, which discussed a main issue in our life. And your team was successful to deliver your ideas nicely. But due to the large amount of the content, your team failed to cover all the points during the presentation. Your team might have discussed it earlier and reduced some part to shorten it.
For individual performance, you referred to your cue cards less than last time. I think the reasons might be that you were more familiar with the topic and did more preparation. And you also appeared more confident this time. As for the speed, you need to try to be slower next time; otherwise the audience will feel hard to follow you.
Hey Tan Chen!
I think you have given a very nice evaluation of your team's and your own presentation. You have already mentioned all that I thought of saying!
Anyway, I really liked your team's topic. It's something very close to us. Also, I like the ideas your team came up with... However, as you say, I also feel too much of information was given out. Maybe from the next time, you should try to keep the presentation/speech shorter and to the point. This information overload made your presentation a little boring at places although all the speakers spoke well...
And as for your individual performance, even I think you have improved a lot from Oral Presentation 1. You were dressed more aptly this time. Your talking speed, your restless movements and rapper-like gestures have all reduced although as you say, you could've spoken still slower. Also, you could try to be more expressive - use your eyes, eyebrows... Maybe even nod your head at places. I feel the face is what people concentrate on when they look at you and hence, I think facial expressions are more important than hand movements and other gestures. Hope this helps! :)
Hi Tan Chen,
Thanks for commenting on my blog post. As a form of courtesy, I felt that I ought to comment on our blog post so that you can get more opinions and feedback on both your presentation performance and the post that you had written. First, I would like to congratulate you on the better performance that you had done for this presentation as compared to the previous. I noticed that you heeded the advices that were suggested to you during the previous presentation.
These improvements are shown in this presentation:
1. Slowed the speed of your presentation
2. Adopted a more appropriate body language that exude confidence
3. Had less unnecessary hand gestures
4. Used less colloquial English.
However, there are still rooms for improvements.
1. It would be better if the speed of your presentation is at a more suitable pace. I think that the speed that you are presenting is too fast for the audience to absorb the information.
2. You have the habit of fidgeting about during the presentation. I feel that this habit should be minimized as it will lower the professionalism of your presentation.
3. Perhaps you can vary the tone of your voice to highlight the main idea that your group is trying to bring across. This is especially useful since you speak at a fast pace, the audience might not be able to catch everything that you explained. Thus, the change in tone alerts the audience that you wish to convey an important message to them.
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