=========================================Que Sera, Sera (That will be, will be) ============================================

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Post 1: Communnication and Teamwork: Why they are tome?

Effective communication is important because we all need to be efficient to survive in this highly competitive world. As a student, I have to closely liaise with my group members to set a common vision and clarify any doubts so that the group can synergize and put up 110% performance; as a resident assistant at PGPR (Prince George’s Park Residence), I have to communicate with my fellow residents to understand their needs and concerns so as to create a more cozy and conducive environment for them to live in; as a certified fitness instructor, I have to communicate with my students via gestures or commands in class to cheer them up and make my dance moves understood. In such cases, I have to connect to my target audience as only in doing so will my efficiency be maximized and objective achieved. However, in the process, feedbacks might not be compulsory in some circumstances. As it does in the case of me when leading a group in aerobic workouts: it is more important to continue dancing and keep the students at the target heart rate than to wait for feedbacks and make sure that everyone is catching up.

Effective teamwork, as a complementary element to effective communication in the pursuit of success, also plays an essential part in our daily lives. This is because we will more often find ourselves working in groups in this highly-interlaced society and will have to be able to work as a team player to peak our performance. Anyone who will need to cope with many various commitments will testify the previous statement. In my case, effective teamwork is admittedly important nevertheless surprisingly hard to achieve due to a prevalent lack of leadership, or to be more precise, ownership. (293 words)

4 comments on "Post 1: Communnication and Teamwork: Why they are tome?"

ZHU LI on January 26, 2010 at 1:34 AM said...

Hi, Tan Chen. It is quite good to show examples based on your own experience and daily life. And the review of these real examples is quite useful for me to learn more about the importance of communication and how to communicate more effectively. Your description of the usage of communication and teamwork is also impressive. But I think that it may be better to focus on something more about the close connection between the necessity for communication and the importance of teamwork (you have mentioned this, but not so detailed) because it seems a little separate when you discussed them in your post.

GK on January 26, 2010 at 8:34 PM said...

Hey hey Tan Chen. Wow...you are a fitness instructor..I agree with you that it is important to have effective communication skills when living in this highly competitve society. Not only does it helps to improve efficiency but it also helps us to attain our goals like what Renuka mentioned in her blog post. Effective communication is important in achieving our goals such as getting a dream job. Nowadays, many people have high qualifications but many lack effective communication skills. Thus, it is important for us to learn how to communicate effectively in order to stand out among all others. Moreover, you also mentioned that effective communication will make one a better teamplayer. I agreed with you on this too! For a team to function effectively and efficiently, it is important that we can convey our ideas and thoughts to each and eveyone effectively. This will avoid misunderstandings as well as conflicts. Tan Chen, your post has provided me with various examples of how effective communication is important in our lives. It is an interesting post!

Anonymous said...

Hi Tan Chen

You gave many personal examples in your post! They were quite interesting to read, and furthermore it’s always good to see how what we learn in the classroom is related to the world out there. Although we should, of course, make it a habit to do so ourselves, I think your post serves as an appropriate reminder to all of us.

I agree with your point that we have to work in many groups in our lives. I’ve had to work with various groups of people (such as my section mates, the executive committee, etc.) when I was in an orchestra, so I can understand what you mean and see the importance of effective communication. As an example, I would need to be clear and no-nonsense when conveying instructions concerning logistics, but coaching the juniors would require me to communicate in a somewhat ‘softer’ way.


renuka on January 27, 2010 at 10:59 AM said...

Dear Tan Chen,

The use of personal examples to illustrate your points is effective, and it helps your post relate more to readers. You have spoken about your aerobics classes; it is commendable that you cater to your audience, such that you ensure your students understand through gestures and commands. We have all had experiences working with teams; teamwork and effective communication is of utmost importance to excel in group projects. Just as the saying ‘Two head are better than one’, many heads are better than one. With the combined expertise and knowledge of all the group members, we can be assured of a better performance. To exploit the benefits of group work, the group has to learn to work as an interdependent team, and contribute and understand each other. Like you mentioned, effective teamwork can be hard to achieve, but if we work at it, the rewards are certainly worth the effort.


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